
How to Be Heard / How to Collaborate


Introduction to the Workshop

In class, can you get your ideas heard? In your family, does your opinion matter? Do you check in with yourself as you make decisions? Individuals can agree or disagree; they feel heard or not heard. In this workshop, participants will learn about the five practical modes for negotiating in many different kinds of interactions in which two individuals bring differing perspectives. After this class, you will have new ideas on how to be heard.


Participants Will Learn to

  • Identify the five ways to face a conflict and learn to choose the best mode for the conflict at hand. 

  • Identify their individual preferred mode and mode(s) that are a ‘stretch’ for them.

  • Practice with real-life scenarios and learn to make your way through the three stages of a negotiation.


TKI Assessment

Here's a video explanation of a tool we'll use in the workshop.


Ready to Further Your Communication?