Welcome to the McArdle Workshops.
Now offered online
McArdle Workshops are designed for unique audiences to interact and think deeply about a specific real life challenge. The workshops are customized for the client organization; all workshops start with a highly respected, validated assessment tool from the Myers-Briggs Foundation.
If desired, the workshops will integrate an additional 1-hour virtual Roundtable Discussion with subject matter experts to set the problem-solving context for the workshop.
McArdle Workshops:
1) The Virtual Reciprocity Ring, a collaboration from Give and Take.
2) Career Exploration
2) Negotiating
3) Patient Experience
The Virtual Reciprocity Ring Workshop
The Virtual Reciprocity Ring is a dynamic group exercise that helps individuals learn “pay-it-forward” principles while creating and cementing high-quality connections. Based on research by Professor Wayne Baker from the University of Michigan and Dr. Adam Grant, psychologist, Business Professor of The Wharton School of Business and Best-selling Author, the Virtual Reciprocity Ring teaches participants why asking for help is so important, and walks them through forming an effective request for help.

Career Exploration Workshops
Many people struggle to find a career path, particularly in this time of fast-moving change in information, technology and societal movements. With uncertainty, people can make the following mistakes:
1) A role that is not a good fit leading to deep discontent and possible job loss
2) Spending money on training or jobs that are not a fit
3) Choosing a role that is a fit but not the right work environment.
This workshop helps participants make better choices.
Career Exploration With the Strong Interest Inventory
How confident do you feel about your career choices? Participants will take the Strong Interest Inventory, the most highly respected, validated career inventory assessment. Each individual report offers insights into the four critical career questions:
1. Who am I?
2. What do I want to do?
3. Where do I want to do it?
4. Why do I want to work?

Negotiation Workshops
Negotiating is a foundational skill for careers and life. The first step to master negotiating lies in understanding your unique personality. The Thomas Kilmen Inventory (TKI) is a simple, easy-to-understand, actionable tool that helps individuals understand their default or natural conflict style.. Participants learn to manage job offers, salary negotiations, and other forms of negotiations for win-win conclusions.
How to Be Heard / How to Collaborate
In class, can you get your ideas heard? In your family, does your opinion matter? Do you check in with yourself as you make decisions? This workshop teaches participants how to effectively use the five practical modes for collaboration in a variety of informal negotiations using real life scenarios. .

Patient Experience Workshops
In recent years, Patient Experience has assumed a new focus and importance for healthcare professionals. Healthcare is trying to build more holistic approaches for the many human interactions that take place within the framework of the modern healthcare team of providers, administrators, and patients.
Patient Experience Background
Ruth gained a deep level of healthcare expertise from designing peer-based patient education programs in the South Bronx and subsequently coordinating multidisciplinary transformation teams in a city hospital, also located in the South Bronx. She helped lead healthcare transformation projects including chronic disease programs, Primary Care Medical Home, and Collaborative Care for Depression in primary care clinics. Now, she applies this training and experience to work with front line staff to improve the experience for patients.